Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's just hair...or so I thought

I'm not big on getting my hair cut. I know you're "supposed" to have it done about every 6 weeks, but that's never been something I've done. I guess I REALLY went overboard this time, because I let it grow for almost a year and a half before even having so much as a trim! I had my hair highlighted over a month ago, but kept it long. The highlighting process was not very kind to my hair-it dried out the already-frizzy ends, and I had to condition it daily (whereas before, maybe twice a week). Thursday afternoon, my hairstylist Vanessa asked if I was ready to get my hair cut off. I had contemplated it a couple of weeks before, when my mom got hers trimmed, so she knew it was on my mind. At first I told her no, but then after talking it over with my mom, decided to go for it. I know it sounds like so much drama over just a freaking hair cut, but my hair has ALWAYS been my pride and joy. When nothing else looked good on my body, I knew I could count on my hair. In a way, I think I hid behind it as well. However, Thursday evening, I shed about 5 inches from my hair, but it also felt like I shed about 5 lbs.! It's amazing how something as a haircut can totally transform the way you feel about yourself (not to mention how others perceive you!). I see a more mature person now, and I definitely feel more confident...


  1. I love it autumn! And glad it makes you feel better about yourself! I've worked really hard to get mine as long as it is now and I'm scared to cut it. I think I need it shorter and more mature since I'm a teacher. Maybe I'll feel like I've shed 5 lbs. too!

  2. Thanks Kristin!:) I was the same way-scared to get it cut after working so hard to get it long-but I'm kind of relieved to have it gone since it's SO miserably hot!
