Monday, August 16, 2010

Copy Cat!

So a friend had done this on his blog, and it really makes you think. I haven't changed all that much, but in some ways I'm definitely different. It was funny to see what I'd written over a year ago, and some things that I said made me cringe.

My 25 Things About Me from Facebook...with updates underneath them! Originally posted on Facebook in February of 2009.

1. My favorite perfume is Clinique Happy in Bloom, and it's only (usually) available in the spring.

Still LOVE that perfume:).

2. I love seeing the looks on guys' faces when they hear me say that I like sports...PRICELESS:).

It's my signature flirt move to mention I love my sports;)

3. The Baha Men are one of my favorite bands...I first heard them in the movie "My Father the Hero" when I was about 10-11 years old.

Baha Men still make me smile!

4. I LOVE the Tampa Bay Rays!

Finally got to see them play in person in June and it was the most special moment of my life thus far.

5. When my grandma passed away last March, I wouldn't go in to see her the night she died. My family was really irritated with me, with the exception of my mom, because I wouldn't. I wanted to remember my grandma the way I did before she had her heart attack. I don't regret it, and I miss her so much:(.

Still no regrets, and oh how much I continue to miss her.

6. I still secretly hope my brother will marry one of my best friends (Nikki)...I peformed 2 "wedding ceremonies" for them when we were younger!

Pretty much given up on this...sigh.

7. I feel most at "home" when I'm at the beach.

Not quite sure home is anywhere anymore...

8. My mom is one of my best friends. I think our relationship is more important to both of us more than ever since her mom/my grandma passed away.

My mom continues to be one of my best friends, no matter how much we butt heads.

9. My parents met my Ohio best friend's grandparents on vacation 20+ years ago...and we've been friends ever since, even though we usually only see each other once a year:).

Nikki and I now have gone 2 years without seeing each other and it hurts. Big time.

10. I love to make jewelry, and consider it a huge compliment when people ask where I got a particular piece and when I tell them I made it they're shocked.

I have really slacked off on this, but over the weekend made 2 really pretty pieces so maybe I'll get back to doing more!

11. I love living in Athens. It kills me to have to go out to my dad's because it's so far away from everything.

Love=like. I miss South GA:(

12. The only flip-flops I'll wear are Havaianas. They're so comfortable, but people rag me for paying so much for them!

I've found more places that sell my beloved flip-flops (Belk, GAP, LOFT!), and they're the most amazing flip-flops I've ever put on my feet!

13. One of my ex-boyfriends told me that he still loves me and the only reason he won't leave his wife for me is because she would take his child away from him.

I haven't talked to this particular ex-boyfriend since last December, and frankly I'm glad he's no longer a part of my life. He was toxic.

14. I cannot listen to George Strait sing "I Saw God Today" because it brings back memories of when I dated my ex. If I hear it, I turn the station because otherwise I'll burst into tears.

This song still makes me cry:( if it plays on my Pandora station, I hit the thumbs-down button so they won't play it.

15. I am somewhat vain and despise going out without my hair and makeup being perfect.

If anything, it's gotten worse. Sigh...can't help it, and not sure I want to, either!

16. I'm the only one out of my close "clique" from high school that isn't either pregnant, engaged, or married. It's kind of disheartening at times, but I know what I want and I won't settle for anything less.

Nothing's changed there, unfortunately. I would love to find a husband, but I'm concentrating on myself right now, and I know in time the right man will come along. I just pray I'm not too caught up in myself and will give someone a chance.

17. I love vegetarian sushi from RuSan's.


18. I love good beer...Yuengling and Terrapin are two favorite "everyday" beers.

Nothing's changed there;)...LOOOVE them!

19. My cat loves drinking out of the toilet, and I think it's both disgusting and hilarious at the same time.

Since we moved, he rather drink out of the tub instead. I'm sure it tastes better...not.

20. I LOVE polenta...I dated a UGA food science professor last fall, and he used to make me all sorts of interesting food. His polenta was amazing...too bad his personality wasn't:).

I made peace with Jake (aka I apologized for how I broke things off!). I think it was my personality that needed help at that time. His polenta still is the most amazing stuff I've ever put in my mouth!

21. I think that Rod Stewart is sexy even if he is like old enough to be my grandfather.

Hot...will always think so!

22. I'm addicted to MAC's so wonderful!

I have several addictions, but at least this one isn't really hurting anything but my wallet;).

23. Last year was the worst year of my life thus far...I lost 2 grandparents, got my heart broken, my parents separated, and my brother almost died. I definitely know God is real because He helped me through those awful times.

I still feel like 2008 was the worst year of my life. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I fully believe that. I was strong when I didn't have it in me to be such, and I learned so much about life.

24. My mom still spoils me even though I'm almost 24 years old.

Still spoiled...but until I give her a grandchild, I think she'll continue to do so!

25. I miss living in Statesboro because I didn't have to live by someone else's rules...and I miss my Sarah!:(

Miss it more now than ever:(...

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